If the familiar dilemma of “what to do with my cat when I’m going away?” prevents you from realizing your travel plans and you are looking for reliable, certified cat sitter in Coventry or nearby towns, you have come to the right place!
Please take a look at my pet-sitter (cat-sitter) offer and contact me through one of the various communication channels if you have any questions. I am open-minded, flexible and I try to adapt to the needs of even the most demanding customers. You can find more information about me, my experience and what kind of cat-sitter service I offer in the about subpage.
I mostly work as the cat sitter in Coventry area (I am based in Whoberley) but I welcome any new challenges and various kinds of services can be arranged. Currently, I have customers also in Kenilworth, Nuneaton, Rugby, Stratford and even Birmingham.
Shall I pay a large amount for a purebred cat, or maybe take a “poor chap” from the animal shelter? Opinions are divided. People who decide to buy an expensive purebred are often slandered by the supporters of mixed-breed cats. Following the slogan "Do not buy! Adopt!" they have single,...
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We all know how important a proper diet is in our lives. By modifying it, we are able to lose or gain weight and even stop the progression of a disease. But do we wonder what our animals eat? Do we delve into the composition of a random box of...
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Without any doubts cats are amazing animals and moreover they seem to exist on the verge of domestication and wilderness. They often look like plush mascots, they like to “smooch”, rub, cuddle, they have silky-soft fur, beautiful faces, sweet paws and they can purr wonderfully! At the same time, they...
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The cat is one of the most popular domestic animals, and at the same time one of the most complex creatures domesticated by man. Their psychological sensitivity and problems experienced by them can even lead a pet to physical diseases. This cat’s delicateness often manifests itself through various behavioural problems....
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When going on a weekend or longer vacation animal carers always face a dilemma with whom they should leave their pet. With a dog the situation is often simpler as you can just easily take it with you, but cats are more complicated creatures. There are cats-travelers but in most...
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