Without any doubts cats are amazing animals and moreover they seem to exist on the verge of domestication and wilderness. They often look like plush mascots, they like to “smooch”, rub, cuddle, they have silky-soft fur, beautiful faces, sweet paws and they can purr wonderfully! At the same time, they are independent, ruthless predators with incredibly sensitive senses, strong (though small) jaws, and these sweet paws hide razor-sharp claws.
Regardless of whether you want a dog, cat, fish or axolotl, as a prospective pet keeper you should carefully think through the decision to adopt a pet belonging to a specific species, learn at least the basics of care, habits and their needs, then rethink whether you will cope with them or not, and if you can afford it. If the answer is still affirmative, then you should prepare the house for a new family member and only then introduce the pet.
It is no different with a cat. Knowledge of the species enables you to apply proper care and minimizes the risk of making mistakes at the cost of a pet health (or even life), and protects you from problems, stress and additional expenses resulting from correcting these errors. For those who do not know what to expect from a cat, below is a short summary of live with a cat under one roof:
The cat is a great individualist. You cannot train it like an obedient dog. Of course, you can teach your cat various tricks or just ordinary rules, such as not eating out from people’s plates, but nevertheless, in many cases the cat will “do as they choose” anyway. They will react to their name without any problems, but only if they consider it “profitable”, otherwise they will rather “pretend” that they do not hear you.
The cat is a kind of animal that does not submit to humans. You can’t make them do something. It is impossible to stroke them or hold them on your lap if the cat does not want to. Many cats would not allow to be held in your arms. Trying to use force can end in getting scratched. However, there are also times when the cat will come and ask for petting by themselves.
Cats move in 3D space, what means that the floor is definitely not enough for them. They will jump on tables and countertops, and it is rather impossible to “unteach” them those activities. You can only forbid them to jump there when you are around but be aware that after you disappear from the cat’s sight, they will still “do as they choose”.
Cats scratch – this is their natural need and you should facilitate it for them. However, even if you have a scratching post, the cat may not want to use it, because it has just chosen your new couch, which is located in a more convenient place for them. Of course, there are ways to convince your pet to use a scratching post, but by the time you discover them, your couch may be already ragged.
Cats often get into potted plants. They can gnaw them (sometimes so badly that nothing is left of the plant) or dig up the soil from the pots. It also happens that the pot with its content lands on the floor. You should also remember that many houseplants are toxic to cats and dogs. Such plants should be removed from the house or secured in such a way that your pet cannot access them.
Cats have wonderfully soft fur. However, having a cat at home, the fur will be not only on your cat, but it will also appear wherever the cat sits. It will be on sofas, armchairs, chairs and your clothes. This can be especially aggravated during the moulting period or during times of severe stress. There will probably be so much of it that you will not be able to keep up with the cleaning and you will be faced with a decision: clean until you go mad or just partially ignore it and accept it’s there.
Cats are mentally very sensitive animals. It can happen that a change in their lives causes such psychological discomfort that the cat urinates on the carpet instead into the litter box. It can also occur as a response to numerous somatic ailments. This is not malice, but only a cry for help. Moreover, non-neutered adult males tend to mark their territory with urine that has quite strong and… distinct odour. Uncastrated female cats in heat can also do this. Castration of both sexes prevents not only from marking but also from unnecessary reproduction. Additionally, it protects female cats against serious cancer, pyometra, or inflammation of the mammary ridge.
Contrary to appearances, cats are not self-sufficient loners. Although they sleep a lot, they need the company of humans or other animals. They will need at least a moment of your 100% attention and some playtime every day. A bored cat can quickly become troublesome when they destroy your belongings trying to find something to do. Their behaviour can change too, they can become aggressive and hunt for your legs, or on the contrary – apathic, what can even lead to somatic diseases.
Cats are generally inexpensive to maintain, but there are times when you may need a veterinarian’s help, they may need treatment or even a surgery. You can reduce the risk of disease by giving your cat the right food and fulfilling all species-specific needs at home. Perhaps from time to time, for the sake of well-being of your furry friend, you may have to rearrange the apartment by adding shelves, arranging cat houses, hiding places and building communication tracks under the ceiling. How much of your own comfort are you willing to sacrifice for the benefit of your four-legged family member?
The decision to adopt a pet should be a joint decision of all household members. If your child asks for a kitten, think it through carefully, because sooner or later it will be you who takes care of them. Also consider what you will do with your cat in the event of your absence or illness. If you do not know a person who would be able to look after your pet, check the care options offered by a pet sitter – a specialist who looks after the animals while the everyday pet carers are away.
Never give animals as gifts! The scary fact is that still in the post-holiday and pre-holiday periods, many pets end up in animal shelters and foundations, after people got bored with them, they were unplanned, grew big or “there were nowhere to place them during the holidays”. Your pet is a living, sentient being, and cats become attached to humans much more than it is commonly believed.
If you ever have to give your cat away, do not put them in a shelter – many animals cannot adapt themselves there, they do not understand the situation and become apathetic, what can lead to depression. The cat does not eat or drink, slowly dying. Also, don’t leave them on the street in the hope that they will cope with it. In these last moments, try to find a good home for your pet, leaving them with people who will love them and provide appropriate living environment.
In good conditions, domestic cats can live up to 20 years. By taking a cat home, you adopt a friend for the rest of their life, for good and for bad. A tiny, sweet kitten grows up and ceases to be a small, fluffy ball. Sometimes they cause problems, sometimes they get sick, eventually grow old and develop many new ailments. The day will come when your friend passes away, and the suffering will be like after the loss of a family member. So, spend time you have with your pet in a way that at the end of their life you will not regret that you did not do something or did something wrong. Create them a safe home, meet their species-specific needs and simply love them. Winning a cat’s trust is a great thing. If you do, try not to lose it. In return, you will receive unconditional love, affection, hugs and purring to your ears, as well as lots of unforgettable and fun moments and a great satisfaction from observing feline habits and interactions.