“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

Joanna, cat sitter in Coventry

Welcome to my feline website! My name is Joanna and since I can remember cats have always been present in my life. For 15 years I have been actively interacting with cats since I decided to take a little kitten named Sharotka for the first time. Thanks to her I became a real Crazy Cat Lady, and thanks to her it all began, because trying to solve her behavioural problems I had to get through the vastness of feline literature, which as a result gave me a broad knowledge of the nature of felines. For all these years I have been active in various behavioural cat groups, I have been training how to properly look after cats and how to ensure them a happy life at home. In the meantime, I was working as a volunteer in one of the cat rescues in Coventry, from where I adopted my three furballs. For over a year I was also a member of the team of the educational project “Catvisors” that brought together cats’ specialists from various industries and was aiming to help cat carers in variety of ways, to spread knowledge about cats and also to refute the myths that have grown up around this amazing species. Now I am an experienced cat-sitter and cat behaviourist. Recently, I founded own educational group on Facebook for Polish cat lovers living in UK.

In 2020 I decided to establish a business that offers more than regular, “technical” cat-care services. I assumed that every cat-sitter is able to clean the litter tray, refill bowls, stroke a cat or swing around with a dangle pole in play time. However not everyone can get a feeling of pet’s character and mood, therefore is not capable of taking care of THEM in appropriate way.

Every cat has unique personality and requires tailored approach – I can sense and respect that. It is not because I possess divine superpowers but because I have profound knowledge about Felis catus species and I show exceptional intuition and empathy, exchanging positive vibes with cats.

That is how FeliVibes emerged. As the behaviourist I put cats’ wellbeing and their psychological comfort in the first place. I endeavour to minimise stress resulting from temporary cat-carer absence.

You can check some of my reviews for services booked through Pawshake portal: https://www.pawshake.co.uk/petsitters/west-midlands-england/felivibes-joanna-7882959


Training for a professional
animal caregiver


Pre-veterinary first aid training


Training for professional


Basics of feline nutrition – comprehensive guide for the caregiver


Training for professional
cat carers


Training for professional
cat welfare consultants


Cat 2.0 – a member of the community. Behavioural and health problems of modern cats functioning in social groups

I am supported by:


Lady in Black of a cat gang, beauty with amber eyes and a fluffy tail. Delicate and prudent but at the same time a tramp and sly cat. She knocks over home trash bins, tears apart thick packages with crunchies, drops tubes with delicacies on the floor hoping to “accidentally” open the lid… Master in entering and exiting various holes – even able to get out of a kennel cage! She loves to greet a human  by rubbing on their nose. She’s very communicative, likes to be held in arms but won’t come to your knees.


The big ginger cat with a constantly puzzled stare. Hopelessly devoted to Bella! The kind of cat that loves all animals and accepts them quickly. He’s a bit worse with people. As the best interaction with humans he considers… feeding. Besides this, he honours us with his closeness by accompanying us in the same room. If the door closes in front of him he cries aloud and hangs on that door. The cat with the softest fur in the world and with a big downy tail with the size of a whole cat! His motto seems to be the slogan: “It is better to eat too much and get sick than let food go to waste”.


The only aristocrat among the whole gang. Russian blue hunk. The largest cuddler and also the biggest bundle of nerves. He is extremely energetic and cannot get tired by playing. Besides his senses are extremely sensitive and all reactions exaggerated. Who sniffs the most accurately? Orion! Who is afraid of the most? Orion! Who is the most happy? Orion! It is impossible not to mention his dog aspirations: he fetches, growls, pants like a dog, and his joy of meeting his human is so great that it seems that he will wag his tail!